Ice is a common problem in some regions of the United States. Winter may make your home look charming in photographs, but the effect of ice and snow on your roof and gutters is anything but charming. That’s why there are mitigation services for the damage caused by such problems.


But why is ice bad news for your roof and gutters? This post will help you understand this issue more.

Ice Is Heavy

Your roof and gutters are designed to withstand the impact of a strong rain up to a certain level. Ice, however, is water that doesn’t leave immediately. When the ice and snow build up on your roof, your roof and gutters have to carry added weight. The longer it stays that way, the more damage your roof and gutters can suffer.

Gutters, which are merely connected to your roofing system, are likely to get the lion’s share of the damage. In some cases, they pull away from the roof. Sometimes, old gutters fall to the ground, endangering people and animals.

Ice Blocks Everything

Ice in your gutters and in your downspouts can prevent water and snowmelt from flowing away from your home. That can lead to flooding and more ice. Storm damage roof restoration professionals often have to thaw out roofs and gutters before they can begin their work. The sooner they can do their job, the less water damage the rest of your home may suffer. But thick ice can prevent them from doing their job immediately.

Ice Damming

Ice dams form when the top part of the roof is warm and the lower part is still freezing. The snow and ice at the top melt and flow downward, where it gets trapped by more ice and snow, causing the water to refreeze and build up at the edge of the roof and gutters. This is often due to poor insulation and attic ventilation. Trapped heat rises, so it stays underneath the top part of your roof. Professional roofers can help you with this problem.

Another way to prevent ice and snow buildup in your gutters is to install Helmet Heat, which keeps your gutters warm enough so ice and snow can melt easily.

You can’t ignore the effects of ice on your roof and gutters. Call professional roofers and gutter contractors, as well as providers of storm damage services if your home has fallen victim to the weather. Get in touch with Dynasty Restoration Inc. at (402) 932-6419. We can help you in Omaha, NE, and in Kansas City, MO.