Summer is in full swing. We know we need to focus on our yards and our outdoor spaces. We have our mowing and maintenance schedules in place. We are ready to enjoy cookouts and long summer evenings. Summer also brings summer weather and that weather can damage your roof.

Here are 5 roofing issues to prepare for so that you can prevent or minimize damage. You can also take the necessary steps to take care of the issue once it arises.

1.  Sun Damage
We are all aware of the damage that the sun can cause to our skin and we use sunblock to avoid too much sun exposure. Your roof can benefit from the same type of protection.

Much like your skin being vulnerable to damage and aging without sun protection, your roof deck may fade or deteriorate from prolonged exposure to the sun. The sun’s heat can cause the adhesion holding your roofing material in place to melt and can age your shingles faster.

Damage may not be obvious when looking at your roof from the ground. An inspection will uncover any damage and any repairs that need to be made.

2. Humidity Damage

Humidity can damage your roof. We are running our air conditioners to keep cool inside and that is lowering our roof temperature. If the temperature of your roof is lower than the surrounding air, condensation can occur.

Excessive moisture can weaken your roof and create leaks over time. Water stains on your ceiling can be a sign of condensation. Proper venting will help you avoid this issue.

An experienced Dynasty Restoration roofing contractor can see to it that your roof has enough ventilation for your roof based on the design of your home, the local climate, and other factors. Waterproof materials are also used when installing or repairing your roof so that it can withstand humid weather.

3. Water Damage

Summer storms can bring lots of rain with them. Rainy days can take a toll on your roof. Putting a waterproof layer on your roof can help protect your roof from water damage.

Regularly inspect your roof for weak spots or cracks in shingles to reduce the potential for water damage. Make sure you also go to the attic to check the interior of your roof periodically.

A Dynasty Restoration professional can use detectors to find signs of water that are not visible to the naked eye. If your roof has water damage, have it repaired immediately.

4.  Mold and Moss Damage

The 2 Ms-mold and moss–are hazards in the summer months because the weather is their friend.
Mold is characterized by black, brown and dark-green blotches. As with other damaging growths, mold is the result of moisture deposits. Mold is most likely to develop on wood and drywall surfaces where water has been absorbed.
Easily recognizable because of its fuzzy texture and forest-green color, moss can be an attractive feature on a rooftop — depending on the homeowner’s design scheme and surroundings — but moss can also have detrimental effects. As moss spreads, it carries increased amounts of moisture, and this can set into the wood of shakes and shingles and cause a roof to rot.
Signs of damage include watermarks, rotting wood, and discolored rafters.

5.  Storm Damage

You can take precautions before a storm comes by having trees evaluated for health and having dead branches trimmed. You can also make sure your gutters are clear of leaves and other debris and that your drains are not blocked.
Following a storm, check your roof for damage. The wind can blow a shingle up or break off a piece of your shingle. Branches or limbs can fall on your roof. Hail can cause damage to your roof.
Dynasty Restoration roofing experts can inspect your roof for damage after a severe storm and work with your insurance company. You can find more information about what to do after a storm hits in our blog, “ 4 Ways to Stop Further Damage from a Storm”.
You can trust us to find and fix any damage summer may bring and to prevent future damage to your roof. Contact us for a free estimate today.