As you start to notice a chill in the air, you may have a desire to watch football, pick apples, burn cinnamon candles and start digging out your sweaters to head to the pumpkin patch.  Just like you, your home should have an annual routine going into fall and winter to keep it in tip top shape.  Here are the top 5 housekeeping items you should make sure to do each year.

  1. Clean out Your Gutters

This may seem like an obvious one, but even if you don’t live in an area with large trees, there are other things to look for inside your gutters.  Leaves, small animals, birds, and other debris can all be found in gutters and will lead to clogged downspouts and even ice dams.  While you are digging through, keep your eyes peeled for pieces of shingle.  If you spot any, you may have some roof damage to investigate.  Don’t forget to check flashing, and hanging hardware as well.

  1. Check your Roof for Damage

Depending on the size and style of your home, you may be able to view your roof from the ground, but most likely you won’t spot everything from there.  Look for obvious damage such as buckling, cracking or missing shingles or any growth of vegetation, such as moss.  If you notice anything of these, contact a roofing expert to get a closer look.  Dynasty Restoration offers free roof inspection and can make a recommendation of what repairs should be made.

  1. Empty Yard Sprinklers

Before the weather gets too cold, you will need to drain your irrigation lines of any remaining water.  If the water in these pipes freeze, the lines will crack and you will have a real problem waiting for you in the spring.  Take the time to inspect the sprinkler heads and make any adjustments or repairs at this time too.  If you plan on hiring a professional sprinkler service for this, plan ahead, as they book weeks out in the fall.

  1. Trim Trees and Bushes

Your trees and bushes have been growing like crazy all summer long.  Once summer ends, it’s time to trim them back until next year.  Overgrown limbs caught in a wind storm can cause damage to siding and roofing.  Trim them back at least 3 feet away from your home.  Make sure to prune trees at the bottom as well.  Remove any stray bottom branches to ensure a clean shape for spring.

  1. Check out your Furnace

We are all guilty of skipping the annual HVAC check.  We don’t worry about it until it’s 15 degrees and we have no heat.  Regular scheduled maintenance will help protect you from a snowy day breakdown.  Don’t forget to replace your filters at this time as well.  This is will improve operation efficiency and air quality while you are closed up during the winter.